Can Do Can Go

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North & Central America Caribbean South America Europe Africa Asia Oceania Destination Map

Use the map to start browsing our country-by country information about:

  • Travel and transport: Airports, airlines, accessible car hire, public transport, bookings
  • Where to go: Hotels, guesthouse and other accommodation, plus accessible holidays
  • What to do: Places to eat and drink, attractions and activities

Can Do Can Go... can help you!

Welcome to Can Do Can Go! We believe that disability shouldn't be an obstacle to travel and are here with the aim of making travelling accessible for everyone. We do this in two main ways:

  • Can Do Can Go stamp of approvalWe provide information on existing travel facilities and their accessibility features - or, as is all too often the case, the lack of them! - and give you, the user, the chance to tell us all about anything good or bad you've seen.
  • We campaign for change, encouraging businesses in the travel, tourism and hospitality industries to improve the service they provide for customers with disabilities - and to tell the world about the improvements they've made!

The service is free - to customers and businesses alike!

Latest:  • Phnom Penh International Airport  • Naries Namakwa Retreat  • Pat’s Petition against cuts to disability services


A very happy old man in a wheelchair is pushed by a smiling helperHere's our info about some sources of help and advice you can call on while on your travels.

Latest: Selling digital products the simple way

Private Air Charter


A man in a wheelchair smiles at the camera as he wheels out of shotFind out here about some of the accessories and gadgets available that can help smooth your journey.

Latest: Active Mobility Centre – UK

News and opinion

A woman in a wheelchair looks up from a laptop computer and smiles at the cameraNews and events from the world of accessible travel and disability more generally; rants about inaccessibility problems; and campaigns to do something about them!

Latest: Pat’s Petition against cuts to disability services

Get in touch!

Got something to say about travel for disabled and mobility-impaired people? Why not join in?

Perhaps you've come a cropper on a flight transfer at an airport we've reviewed, or received marvellous service from a hotel we've listed. If so, we'd love to hear your views!

Or if you've been somewhere that we haven't reviewed yet, why not write your own review and share it with other travellers? If you're interested in doing this, please contact us. Thanks!

Contact Can Do Can Go!

Free listings for businesses!

Do you own a bar, restaurant, hotel or other hospitality venue? Do you have facilities for disabled customers?

If so, then please get in touch. We'll give you a free listing for your business including a link to your website. (If you don't have a website we can also help you to create an internet presence without one.)

Contact us today!

Latest News

Selling digital products the simple way

“All a creative person really wants to do is give people a simple ‘Buy this’ link where they can hand over the readies and download the creation. Simple and straightforward for all concerned. Fortunately, an option has arisen in recent years that allows creators of digital products to do exactly that.” This 30-page PDF report looks at how to sell through digital goods services, advises how to choose a DGS, and compares six DGSs head-to-head.

Read the full article
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